While in Kilifi, I met a man. This man seemed to speak to butterflies. They surrounded him, for reasons unknown to me and my colleagues.1265

The butterflies that Mr. Anando breeds are rare specimens. His customers are mostly foreigners and Museums abroad. 1315

The butterflies feed on Mangoes and sap from plants and flowers.



Turtle Bay beach resort is making headlines in the Environmental conservation scene. The hotel has found various ways to minimize energy use around the hotel. They have been able to cut about 40% of their daily energy and fuel consumption.1641

They have a whole cabinet of trophies. These trophies range from awards in Energy management , Waste management to Travelers choice awards.


Arabuko-sokoke Conservation


Arabuko is the largest coastal forest. It is located 110km North of Mombasa, the forest also has a National Park(Arabuko-sokoke national park).The forest has fallen victim to large amounts of deforestation.Communities that neighbor this forest usually cut down trees for Charcoal and building materials.



Kenya Wildlife Service in collaboration with National Environmental Management Association and Arabuko-sokoke community devised a method to curb deforestation and protect the forest and the many species it harbors.  A community based project was started and the lady in the picture above was elected as the chair lady.


Me and my colleagues got the opportunity  to interact with her. She is a passionate lady.She and a few other ladies, created opportunities from the conservation of the forest. This include bee keeping, farming, candle making and bio gas.


-The bee hives are hung from branches.



  • An Aloe-Vera plantation


-Wax and honey forms inside the boxes and is harvested weekly.


Creative Bottle Recycling

I recently visited Malindi documenting green initiatives for NEMA(NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY). The Watamu beach line in Malindi has one of the largest recycling centers in Africa.

The picture below is of a wall made of recycled glass bottles.

1360The bottles actually made the entire building and the room look beautiful. Lesson learnt! recycling can be creative and colorful.  The room was bright and there was free flow of air.


-from the outside, its shaped like a dolphin.

1511-The fence too, is made of recycled bottles.


-The bottles are collected from the beach line and roads of Watamu.


-Some of the organizations supporting this project are NEMA, UNIDO, WMA and COAST.